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来源:飞驰行政法 时间:2024-09-22 19:59 作者:zhou 热度: 手机阅读>>



  1. 个人信息保护法(Personal Information Protection Law)
  2. 网络安全法(Cybersecurity Law)
  3. 数据安全法(Data Security Law)
  4. 关键信息基础设施安全保护条例(Critical Information Infrastructure Security Protection Regulations)
  5. 欧盟通用数据保护条例(General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR)
  6. 中国《民法典》中的个人信息保护条款
  7. 美国联邦贸易委员会的消费者隐私权保护指南(FTC Guidelines for Consumer Privacy Rights)
  8. 德国联邦数据保护法(Federal Data Protection Act of Germany)
  9. 英国的数据保护法案(Data Protection Act)
  10. 澳大利亚的信息隐私原则(Australian Privacy Principles)


  1. 政府信息公开条例(Government Information Disclosure Regulations)
  2. 行政诉讼法(Administrative Litigation Law)
  3. 中华人民共和国电子签名法(Electronic Signature Law of the People's Republic of China)
  4. 联合国电子政务报告(UN E-Government Survey)
  5. OECD关于开放政府的指导原则(OECD Recommendation on Open Government)
  6. 世界银行的电子政务成熟度模型(e-Governance Maturity Model by World Bank)
  7. 国际电信联盟的电子政务发展指数(E-Government Development Index by ITU)
  8. 新加坡的智慧国家计划(Smart Nation Initiative in Singapore)
  9. 美国的数字政府战略(Digital Government Strategy in USA)
  10. 韩国的数字经济五年规划(Digital New Deal Plan in South Korea)


  1. 大数据分析技术在政策制定中的作用(Role of Big Data Analytics in Policy Making)
  2. 人工智能算法的法律责任界定(Legal Liability of AI Algorithms)
  3. 区块链技术在提升社会信任方面的潜力(Potential of Blockchain Technology to Enhance Social Trust)
  4. 物联网工程实施过程中的法律法规要求(Legal Requirements During IoT Engineering Implementation)
  5. 无人驾驶汽车法规的发展趋势(Trends in Autonomous Vehicle Regulations)
  6. 在线平台监管的国际经验分享(International Experiences Sharing on Online Platform Regulation)
  7. 共享经济模式下的权益平衡(Balancing Interests under Shared Economy Models)
  8. 数字矿山对传统产业的冲击及应对策略(Impact and Response Strategies of Digital Mining on Traditional Industries)
  9. 数字矿山对环境保护的意义(Significance of Digital Mining for Environmental Protection)
  10. 数字矿山的社会影响评估(Social Impact Assessment of Digital Mining)


  1. 数字矿山领域的知识产权保护(Intellectual Property Rights Protection in Digital Mining Field)
  2. 数字矿山项目中的合同管理与风险控制(Contract Management and Risk Control in Digital Mining Projects)
  3. 数字矿山建设中的信息安全防护体系构建(Building an Information Security Defense System in Digital Mining Construction)
  4. 数字矿山运营中的用户隐私保护机制设计(Designing User Privacy Protection Mechanisms in Digital Mine Operation)
  5. 数字矿山服务中的网络侵权责任分担(Network Tort Responsibility Allocation in Digital Mine Services)
  6. 数字矿山应用的伦理审查标准制定(Establishing Ethical Review Standards for Applications of Digital Mining)
  7. 数字矿山市场的反垄断监管(Anti-monopoly Supervision in the Market of Digital Mining)
  8. 数字矿山发展的税收优惠政策研究(Research on Tax Preferential Policies for the Development of Digital Mining)
  9. 数字矿山行业的人才培养与引进政策(Human Resource Cultivation and Introduction Policies for the Digital Mining Industry)
  10. 数字矿山项目的可持续发展评价指标体系建立(Establishment of Sustainable Development Evaluation Indicator Systems for Digital Mining Projects)



